core values
These are some of the values and principles that energize and guide us as a community:
- We are stewards of God’s creation and exercise care and respect for the
Earth and the environment.
- Jesus welcomes us as we are, then leads us on a journey of transformation.
- God loves this world and calls his people to be a positive influence for
- We want and need to be a healing place for the broken and wounded.
- We want to be like Jesus, seeking not to be served, but to serve.
- Every member is a minister, equipped by the Spirit of God with gifts for
- In Christ’s kingdom people of different genders, sexual orientations, ages,
life challenges, economic levels, races and ethnic groups learn how to
worship and share life together in Christian community.
- Leadership is to be shared with any who are gifted and called, and who have
the heart of a servant.
- God loves kids and wants us to show them how to live in his Kingdom.
- We make it our priority to engage with Jesus daily through the Scriptures.
- Prayer, individually and as a community, is as necessary as breathing.
- As part of one Church, we are eager to join efforts with other congregations
in carrying out Christ’s mission.
- Our interactions with each other and other Christians are guided by the
principle, “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things,