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Mission & Vision

Our Mission

Simply this: "Attract our neighbors to life in God's kingdom."

Our Vision

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Our vision is to be a growing community of fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ, who bear witness through our words and actions to the good news of God’s reconciling love and his desire to restore all things through Christ.


A vital community life revolves around four core activities: worship, discipleship, fellowship and witness, each requiring intentionality and reflection, constant adaptation and commitment.


We want to play our part in Christ's mission both globally and locally, each of us seeking to be the presence of Christ wherever we live, work, play and learn. We also hear God’s specific call to be Christ's presence to the Bellevue neighborhood.


By way of our own ongoing transformation, the forming of authentic relationships, acts of service and respectful conversations, we hope that many we meet on this journey will experience their own life-changing encounter with Jesus, and join us in becoming his students, servants and friends.

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