
On Christmas Eve, 1893, Bellevue Reformed Church came into existence through the dedicated work of charter members to promote "mutual, intellectual, moral, and spiritual benefits, and provide Christian work in the neighborhood."
By 1900, the congregation had outgrown the small chapel, and a new building was erected on the same site. This building stood until 1989, when a fire and structural problems with the stained glass windows necessitated a new building.
The new radical structure was meant to convey peace and meditation, and is the building that currently stands today. The beams thrust upward to convey the need for God. The 12 ceiling lights represent the 12 tribes of Israel and the 12 disciples. The pews are angled to assemble the congregation around God's word, and gather them as a family at the table of the Lord with the baptismal font as a focal point.
Instead of a steeple, 3 crosses were cute into the tower above the narthex to symbolize the hill on which Christ died. The traditional stained glass windows were replaced with modern representations to reflect Corinthians 12 - conflict, the Holy Spirit, hope, love, faith, and resolution (the hand of man in the hand of God).
To this day, we utilize this building to fulfill our calling to God. We seek to be a community of hope for our neighbors, being fully devoted to Jesus Christ and spreading the good news of God's reconciling love.